We Tip the Balance workshops are designed to focus on specific competencies, skills, tools, or practices, of tipping the balance toward a shared future in which we are learning how to be here well together.
Current offerings are below. Join a workshop or I can come and work with your group. Workshops are priced on a sliding scale, at the low end of which, costs are covered.
Inclusion Stories
Inclusion stories describe the specific ways individuals and communities have come to participate in and benefit from a dominant, often heartless, culture. More than a tool for learning to connect with others across difference, inclusion stories can open up new paths for understanding the systemic, historic roots causes of our divisions from others; from our own families' history, culture and values; and within ourselves.
Shared Inquiries
It's a time of profound, high-stakes change: it's time to learn to make change together. Let's find out what questions we have in common. At an initial gathering, we get to know each other some and explore questions we share about how to make change together. Based on this conversation, I design a way to workshop these questions together with others.

Visioning exercises
Visions of the future guide our actions in the present, but they are shaped by beliefs we acquired in the past. These beliefs can easily serve as blinds spots to understanding our complex, rapidly changing world. Tools and practices for envisioning what might or could lie beyond these blind spots are crucial for ever more intentionally designing ourselves, our cultures and our institutions.
Naming the Belief - downloadable worksheet
As people mature, we learn more about what we like, what makes us tick, why we do what we do. Communities also have their own set of experiences and characteristics that inform their preferences, or beliefs, and their actions. Understanding the beliefs that make communities tick is a powerful way to get beyond blind spots - perhaps theirs, and maybe our own. With this widened lens, we get more perspective on why someone else's vision of the future might differ from ours, and how we might navigate those differing beliefs and visions toward a shared future.
Visions Beyond Belief - workshop
In this workshop, we explore, attempt to categorize and make sense of - we play with - beliefs. Who believes what? Why would they believe that? How is their belief different than mine, and why? Do my actions makes sense based on what I say I believe? If not, why am I compelled to act against my own beliefs? What can we learn about all the ways we, as conscious beings, are also unconscious and unknowing? This workshop is a way to explore an emerging territory of our individual and collective development and change itself.

To find out more, you're welcome to contact me directly. Or sign up below to be added to the mailing list.